Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pink Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant')

Pink Glory of the Snow
Chionodoxa forbesii 'Pink Giant'
(kye-oh-no-DOKS-uh) (FORBZ-ee-eye)

I have been going through a lot of spring pictures for submission to a publisher. This one ties in to this time of year because you need to plant the bulbs in the fall. It is a great bulb for naturalizing or for the rock garden and as one website described a ‘socks and shoes’ plant for taller daffodils. These bulbs are also a good companion to the smaller botanical type Tulips. They are extremely hardy and seem to return every year with little fuss. They multiply by seeding and that seems to work out well. Chionodoxa bloom very early and the show lasts quite a long time. The white form ‘Alba’ and another species (Chionodoxa luciliae), which produces smaller blue flower, are a wonderful addition to the early spring garden.

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