Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hybrid Tea Rose ‘Olympiad’

Hybrid Tea Rose ‘Olympiad’

This picture is from one of the gardens I take care of. It is always fun to post one of my flowers. You can see that ‘Olympiad’ is a large growing rose that has nice flowers and foliage. That is a ‘Peace’ rose and Canna generalis ‘Orange Punch’ growing in the background. I am not sure why I choose this angle but there was probably a reason. I used my Nikon Coolpix 5400. This rose is always dependable for me giving waves of classic color and shaped flowers. It was All-American Rose Selection for 1982. It was bred in New Zealand by Sam McGready; from a cross between ‘Pharaoh’ and ‘Red Planet’.

This is a rose collage I made a while ago.


  1. I just bought some Olympiads for a southern garden. I don't think I have tried them up north either.

  2. Good luck with the roses. They did okay up here in the heat and humidity but I know that is not like it is down south.
