Monday, February 26, 2007

Shrub Rose ‘Belinda’s Dream’

Shrub Rose ‘Belinda’s Dream’

All in all Shrub Roses aren’t my favorite types. Though I must admit that roses like ‘Belinda’s Dream’ are helping change that opinion. I have been seeing more and more nice shrub roses. This rose was growing at Mount’s Botanical Garden Mount’s Botanical Garden in West Palm Beach. It is a nice garden and offered a well-marked substantial collection of interesting plants. I guess it took a hit from a couple hurricanes so the canopy has been reduced but they are certainly far into the recovery process; as I didn’t see any damage. It seems like it can take years and years to repair the damage from a storm around here. Tropical gardens seem to have a wonderful way of healing themselves. Mounts is Palm Beach County’s largest and oldest Botanical Garden.

‘Belinda’s Dream’ was a nice bushy rose with good color and fully double blooms. It is mildly fragrant and has a petal count of 45. This rose was bred by Professor Robert E. Basye, a Texas rose hybridizer that did much work towards breeding Black Spot resistant varieties. ‘Belinda’s Dream’ is a cross between ‘Jersey Beauty’ and ‘Tiffany’ and was introduced in 1992. There were a couple of patches planted along a brick walk and they were all doing well. The roses growing at the house I rented were also blooming heavily but I did notice they were on the Northern side of the house and got shade most of the afternoon.

Synonyms: ‘Belinda's Rose’

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