Friday, May 18, 2007

Rhododendron ‘Tiana’

Rhododendron ‘Tiana’
Ericaceae (er-ek-AY-see-ay)

I am leaving for work early this morning but thought I would post a couple of photos from yesterday. The Rhododendron collection at the Estate took a real hit last winter. Several old established shrubs bit the dust. A tree came down and sheared half of the Bloodgood Japanese Maple off and crushed about 6 or 7 rhodos. Sometimes it seems that I wasn’t destined to grow Rhododendrons but I keep trying. There are about 100 cultivars on the property and when they all bloom it can be quite a sight. I think it is going to be a rebuilding year. I am buying a few new ones this spring as replacements. I do know that right now is a bad time to judge the conditions of the plants because later when the new growth comes out they look a lot better. This one is ‘Tiana’ and it is a nice white with red blotch in the throat. The flowers fade to a light pink. Mine is about 5 feet tall and is spreading nicely. I would rate it high for foliage, habit, hardiness and flowers. It is a yakushimanum cross that had a fuzzy underside of the leaves.

This is a picture of the new growth on Dwarf Blue Spruce.

This picture shows just a little of the damage from yesterday’s storm. The ride through Ridgefield was tough with a lot of road closures. The storm didn’t do anything to the garden I was working on. Another house that I work on occasionally had a huge Linden Tree that was snapped off about 10 feet off the ground.


  1. Hi, just found your blog with the lovely pictures! That was quite the storm yesterday! Love that 'Tiana'.

  2. Your photos are great! I don't know if I would be driving down that road:)
