Sunday, October 07, 2007

Festival of Roses ~ Day Eight

Festival of Roses ~ Day Eight

2007 Digital Flower Festival of Roses Continues

I guess I got my days messed up as I had two Day Sixes. My trip to Long Island was enjoyable and I even bought a few roses. The perennial nursery is starting to sell shrub roses so I picked up three ‘Bonica’. One Fairy Queen (which is a red) and a couple of ‘Seafoam’. I am going to plant them in the borders I am fixing up. I thought that they would make a nice backdrop.

Today I am off in search of a few more rose shots. I am cleaning off some memory cards to take with me. I wanted to wake up at 5:30 am but slept a little later than that so I a little pressed for time. So here are today’s roses.

This first rose is ‘Jardins de Bagatelle’, which is named after the famous gardens in Paris. It is listed as a Grandiflora and a Hybrid Tea rose and it certainly looks to me like a Hybrid Tea.

Jardins de Bagatelle:
Origin Meilland International, France, 1986
Fragrance: Strong
Parentage: Seed: Queen Elizabeth × Elegy, Pollen: MEIdragelac
Synonyms: Karl Heinz Hanisch, Queen Silvia, Sarah

This second rose is a shrub rose named ‘Midnight Blue’. Of course there is no such thing as a blue rose but the color on this flower is fantastic. The flowers are small and borne in clusters although the color more than makes up for that. I would like to do a whole post on shrub roses. They are plants that I am starting to appreciate the beauty of.

'Midnight Blue' considered a mauve blend rose.
Class: Shrub
Origin: Tom Carruth, US, 2004
U.S. Introduction: Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, 2005
Petal Count: 17-25
Fragrance: Strong, Spicy
Synonyms: WEKfabpur

Since I haven’t featured to many Yellow roses here is the Hybrid Tea called ‘Midas Touch’. It is a deep yellow and grows on a disease resistant bush. The legends of King Midas are well known including his rose garden.

Hybrid Tea 'Midas Touch'
Class: Hybrid Tea
Origin: Jack E. Christensen, US, 1992
U.S. Introduction: Bear Creek Gardens, Inc., 1994
Fragrance: Yes, musk
Parentage: Brandy × Friesensöhne
Synonyms: JACtou

I had this rose labeled as ‘Grande Amore’ but I don’t think that is it. It looks a lot like the Austin English rose ‘Tamora’ but I am not sure. Since I like to keep this place as factually correct as possible lets just call it a beautiful apricot blend rose.


  1. I can never get tired of beautiful rose pictures. The apricot blend is beautiful along with the midnight blue.

  2. Vanillalotus, thanks for the comment. I am glad you liked the colors.
