Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Candle Bush

Candle Bush
Senna alata
(SEN-nuh) (a-LAY-tuh)
Synonym: Empress Candle Plant, Candletree, Candelabra Bush, Ringworm Tree, Cassia alata
Click Here for a Larger Version
From the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Gardens

The view from the lanai


  1. So pretty!
    Love the colour, it is an auspicious colour for us Chinese.

  2. Beautiful bokeh and color. By the way - it is snowing like the dickens here, horrible weather throughout the midwest and east coast!

  3. No winter weather worries there! Beautiful flower, beautiful view.

  4. Beautiful flowers and the countryside landscape is gorgeous.

  5. There is something about that flower in the first image which makes it seem very small, not sure what it is.

    I like the landscape, too. I really need to visit Hawai'i one of these days.

  6. So lush and invigorating. The colors are exquisite.

  7. Interesting use of depth of field in the first shot. Lovely to look at all that green this morning -- my world is white.

  8. makes me sigh -- sure want to have another opportunity to visit Hawaii

    the previous orchid photos make me think of Alice in Wonderland. I can just see these opening their mouths and singing.

  9. I can see why other people are using your photos - they are outstanding. I work as a gardener for the Smith College Botanic Garden in Northampton, Mass. Please come visit us this spring! www.smith.edu/garden
    I'll give you a tour.

  10. It's a beautiful flower and the garden is fantastic.

  11. Thanks for all the comments. It sure was nice waking up to that view.

  12. Oops.

    I wanted to say hi to Tracey. I am glad to see another professional gardener here. That tour sounds good as we are up in that area a lot.
