Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tropical Hibiscus

Tropical Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Heidi’
(hi-BIS-kus) (RO-sa-sy-NEN-sis)
Synonyms: Queen of the Tropics

This is another flower from Foster’s Botanical Gardens in Honolulu. Does it have a bit more swagger since it is a true tropical hibiscus? I am not sure but it was delicate and proper looking. This plant is a little famous as when I googled it there several pictures of it on the net.

Hibiscus are always nice to have in the garden but we have had trouble over wintering them in the conservatory. This year they look pretty good and hopefully will start to flower earlier in the summer for us.

Since it is Sunday and that means Todays Flowers here is a bonus picture. Today’s Flowers for flower pictures from around the world.

I am happy to announce our little company’s foray into urban gardening after getting a nice job in Manhattan. It will be a challenge that we will look forward to and there will probably be some reports here during the summer.

This is the view off the rooftop of the building where we will be planting 17 pots of flowers. That is the Brooklyn Bridge if you are unfamiliar with it. Now that the negotiations are done we start next week. It is still a little early to plant the annuals (both for the season and supply) so that will have to wait another 10 to 14 days.


  1. That lavender color of the Hibiscus is lovely.
    Looking forward to hearing more of the urban project.

  2. A very pleasing color.
    Beautiful capture.

  3. Stunning Hibiscus!
    Love the soft color and the raindrops.

  4. What a beautiful range of color! L

  5. I hope it all goes well for you in New York.

  6. Love the water drops on the petals!

    Great photo.

