Aristolochia peruviana
(a-ris-toh-LOH-kee-uh) (per-u-vee-AN-uh)
This was a very unusual flowering vine. The colors were outstanding and the vine itself was not rampant like some Aristolochia can be. This plant had a much more delicate appearance. There many species of Aristolochia and this page is good photo reference for them: Aristolochia Species Photos.
You can see some of them are pretty outrageous. This was the first year I have grown the more common Giant Dutchman's Pipe (Aristolochia gigantea) and it was a lot of fun to have in the garden. It bloomed off and on all season with minimal care. Here is a link to some general cultural practices for Aristolochia
Right before the first frost we wrenched the Dutchman's Pipe out its pot and put in the greenhouse. It was forgotten (oops) for a couple of weeks but it survived and I potted it up on Friday. We are also growing the hardy Dutchman’s Pipe, Aristolochia durior, but the flowers are much less showy.
Most catalogs describe Aristolochia peruviana (didn’t see a common name) as rare and unusual. This picture was shot at Wave Hill in the Bronx. It was on the ‘wet’ side of the Conservatory. The building has a dry wing where the Cactus and Succulent Collection are, a middle room that a lot of different seasonal flowering plants are featured and a humid side. Although a little small by normal Conservatory standards they make it up in the plants they do have, It is a wonderful collection of plants.
This is pretty much what the season looks like around here only this picture has more color.

For the first time I am participating in
Today’s Flowers . It starts at 19:00 GMT on Sunday.