This is a pink Heart Throb® Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa "Heart Throb" "Schmred") I photographed at work. They are a great tree. I have been following a thread on the UBC forums on pink Kousa. It seems things are a little confused about the origin of the pink cultivars. I have found this tree to be of stout habit and exceptional beauty. My growing experience with this tree and 'Miss Satomi' have been very easy and rewarding. The longer the tree has been planted, the more pink it becomes. It also needs a good bit of sun to have the most flowers.
The pink dogwood is one of my favorites.
Do you have a photo of the heart throb tree to give an idea of its shape? I have bought a strong looking specimen and want to plant it in the best position.
Hi Jeff,
Sorry but I don't have a picture of the tree. The tree started out good sized and has grown to about 12 feet high by 8-10 feet wide, fairly slowly. It is slightly smaller statue wise than the species of Cornus kousa and more upright than the pink cultivar 'Miss Satomi'. It has superb autumn color. I am sure you are going to enjoy it no matter where you plant it.
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