Valley View Greenhouses
South Salem, New York
This is where I buy about 80% of my annuals and a lot of my perennials. I started going there when I first started working on the Estate in 1985 and it is amazing to me how much it has grown since then. Well I guess it isn’t amazing as they produce great plants and offer people in the trade a good deal. Lately I have noticed that they have upped their personal and friendly service. That makes the shopping experience a whole lot better.
Valley View offers a wide range of annuals. Some trendy items as well as some hard to find items and there are always a few surprises. If I can’t find exactly what I am looking for a good substitute is usally available. It is self-service which I like especially if I only have idea of the area I want to fill up as opposed to having an exact plant list. You can get help if you need some information about the plants.
Their selection of perennials is great and the stuff always seems to do well after you plant it. I like they often carry several cultivars of the same plant. The shrub and ornamental grass offerings are expanding and if I remember correctly this is something that they didn’t even have when I first started going. There are also a few trees for sale, so basically all that you need to make a beautiful garden.
To sum it up if you are looking for healthy, reasonably priced flowers in Westchester County head over to Valley View Greenhouses in South Salem.
Here is a link to their website:
vvgh.comIf you have time send an email to them saying they need more pictures on their website.
I just wanted to add that this isn’t a paid endorsement. I feel it is the least I could to do after they have supplied me with so much nice plant material over the years. Also for some of the flower pictures that have appeared on this site.

This is the shrub and perennial yard.

I call these two the Flower Girls, although not to their face :lol: They were too busy to ask them to stop and pose for a proper picture. Debbie (left) is the one in charge. She knows her stuff and runs a tight ship. For many years she seemed to be the only one at the front. Carly (on the right) is always friendly and a real sweet heart. She is also helpful and efficient. I happened to snap this during the one second of the day when she wasn’t smiling. They are as nice to a business customer as to the little old lady buying a couple of Petunias. Way to get us people back on the road and making money, girls. Please keep it up. I, for one, appreciate your hard work.

This is a shot of the main greenhouse. It is a great building and kind of a wonderland to me. It reminds me of the commercial greenhouses and nursery I grew up at. This picture only shows about half the space and was as wide as I could get with a 17mm lens.

In addition to the Main Greenhouse there are a lot of smaller ones with plants in various stages of development.