Oxalis massoniana
(oks-AL-iss) (mas-soh-nee-AY-nuh)
This cute little plant was blooming in the Alpine House at Wave Hill. The color was striking and the light was slanting in at the right angle. Many gardeners consider Oxalis a noxious weed but there are many of the 800 species that are nice in the garden. Some of those types have been featured on this blog this year.
This South African native often blooms as a complete carpet of 4 to 5 inch high flowers. There are some reports that it actually grows better in the controlled environment of a container (as this was). I couldn’t find the hardiness of this plant so if anyone knows feel free to chime in.

I want to take this time to wish everybody a Happy and Prosperous New Year. In some ways I am happy to close the books on this decade and move into the new one. It is a Blue Moon around here tonight. Here is a link to Wikipedia about the Lunar Phases, which is something I hadn’t thought about in years. It was a good refresher for me. There is also a Winter Weather Advisory in effect for snow and rain. According to weather.com , “A Winter weather advisory is when a significant winter storm or hazardous winter weather is occurring, imminent, and is an inconvenience.” The storm is to be followed by a blast of really cold air, sigh.