Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pot Marigold

Pot Marigold
Calendula officinalis
(ka-LEN-dew-luh) (oh-fiss-ih-NAH-liss)
Synonym: English Marigold

This picture was shot in early October and you can see the Calendula was still shining brightly. Being a good cool weather plant is one of things I love about Pot Marigolds. They can really fire up the fall garden.

There are about 20 species of Calendula and they are mostly native to Europe and the North Africa region to Iran, and the entire Mediterranean region in between. They have been in cultivation for thousands of years. Many medicinal properties are associated with these flowers and the oils are used to treat a variety of maladies.

Since it is Sunday and that means Todays Flowers here is a bonus flower. Today’s Flowers for flower pictures from around the world.

Here is a plant that I hadn’t seen in so long I had forgotten about it. Quite a dramatic landscape plant the large patch at the NYBG was really a sight to see. The twigs have just enough color to add to the effect. It was growing in a bottom area that had obviously been recently flooded.

Black Pussy Willow
Salix gracilistyla 'Melanostachys'
(SAL-iks) (grass-il-ih-STY-luh)


Chubskulit Rose said...


My flowers, have a lovely Sunday!

Carver said...

The marigold is gorgeous and I love pussy willows. Very informative post too.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful Marigold.

Regina said...

The marigold is so virant and the black pussy willow is amazing!
Great info and captures.
Happy new week.

Anonymous said...

Stunning picture of the calendula! And the Black Pussy Willow looks spectacular!

Jama said...

Pretty flower!

Not So Simply Single said...

Wow, how unusual! I have never seen anything like that!
