Final Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum morifolium
(kris-AN-the-mum) (mor-ee-FOH-lee-um)
It was nice to see this beauty blooming yesterday. The rain, wind, snow and sleet had not beaten it down or taken its spirit. It was still a blaze of color in an otherwise drab and dank landscape. This one is especially impressive since this mum had lived over from being planted in the fall of 2009. Truly a hardy Chrysanthemum and I wish I knew the variety although that doesn’t do you a lot of good as the growers seem to change the varieties every couple of years.
It sure was windy here yesterday but thankfully warm but that knocked down any remaining foliage. I am really feeling the pinch of the season now. There are several things we need to wrap up and hopefully the weather will hold out long enough.
Nice flowers.. the color is really pleasant..
very pretty.
Beautiful warm colors in your lovely flower photo! Very sharp and nicely composed!
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