Tropical Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Silver Memories'
(hi-BIS-kus) (RO-sa-sy-NEN-sis)
Today’s flower is another tropical. It had a very unusual color scheme and I was immediately attracted to it when I saw it a local nursery. If it had been earlier in the season it would have come home with me but its price couldn’t be justified in October although we have had pretty good success overwintering them in the glass house. This variety was being sold as ‘premium’ type of Hibiscus, which basically doubles the price. These photos were shot at a little strange angle to eliminate some undesirable background elements. The second photo reminds me of a vortex.

For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers . The links open at 1400 GMT.

Here is Today’s bonus flower. It is a miniature rose, which I think is ‘Black Jade’. About 15 years ago we planted several dozen mini roses at the estate. In hindsight they should have been grouped together but were instead planted here and there around the gardens. The deer demolished some but a good number have survived and this variety has been especially good. Since it is planted in an elevated garden with a tall stonewall in the back the animals can't get to it. It is usually covered with flowers during the year and often needs to be cut back because of all of the growth. I have learned to whack it in the early spring now to keep it under control.
Very nice macro photos! you have really nice pictures here.. I will keep coming to visit this wonderful place..
Great pictures,beautiful colors and light.Greetings Andrzej.
Magnifique !
While this flower is gorgeous, it looks like something from another planet!
A very beautiful hibiscus! Striking! And love the depth of red in the miniature rose!
Unusual color indeed! And so beautiful!
I love your hibiscus shots. The petals make me think of crashing waves, warm sun, langor.
And the bonus flower, that miniature rose, is a delight. All good. Thank you.
Chris, those two shots of the hibiscus are some your best photos...absolutely incredible. Wonder how easily 'Silver Memories' would be to get? I love that color combo.
I too am drawn to that unusual color combo. Years ago I was given a lost-labled "premium" hibiscus. After two years it finally bloomed and was an uninspiring speckled red and white.
Piękny eucharis, hibiscus, pozdrawiam :)
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