Sempervivum Flower
Not sure of the identification on this flower. Part of the problem I have been having searching the archives for this winter’s flower pictures is that I can no longer remember where or what the pictures are from. Luckily I often snap a photo of any sign or tag that is with the plant but that doesn’t always work out. This photo did not have any tag so it remains a bit of a mystery.
Sempervivums are an interesting group of plants native to Northern Africa and parts of Europe. They are known for the ability to grow in harsh conditions. As a garden plant many are able to winter over outside and are often found in the gardens of collectors populating everywhere from cracks in stone work to being pampered in containers. The flowers are usually pinkish and seldom whitish, which kind of blows my ID out of the water.
Today is Sunday and that means Flowers from Today and a bonus snapshot.

Cactus Dahlia
This was an interesting Dahlia that came in a bag of mixed Dahlias for the cutting garden. The recurved petals gave a slightly other worldly appearance. The color mix was fantastic too. The flowers got really big for a Cactus style and I would have really loved to know what the variety name was.
The sempervivum reminds me of an origami flower my daughter and I fold by the dozen. The dahlia looks like it can take on even the most ignorant gardener--like me!
the sempervivum flower is beautiful :)
Great shot, but the flower on the photo does not belong to a plant from genus Sempervivum.
Thanks for the input, Renee.
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