Some D70s Shots
After dragging my backup camera around during our California get away I ended up taking about 30 shots with it. The plan was to keep the Sigma 24mm/1.8 lens on the D70 to have a wide-angle lens available all the time. I don’t really like to change lenses in the field but will do it when necessary. The D70 hadn’t made it into the bag for quite some time (there were some pictures from Manhattan from July on the card) and it is funny because I often forget the nuances of the settings and capabilities of a camera if it is not used regularly. This time it was that the lens flares really bad in bright sunlight and that ruined about half of the shots. Both the D70 and Sigma are good pieces of equipment and I am happy to have both. For the entire trip the Nikon 60mm lens stayed on the D700, which is a little odd but I didn’t feel like changing.
The first picture is a yellow Daylily that was blooming at Greystone Mansion in Beverley Hills. It is now a city park that has a great location and extensive gardens. A lot of films and TV shows have been shot there so it had kind of familiar feeling to it. Almost as nice as the park was the drive we had around the neighborhood afterwards. There was some quite amazing housing and views to see. There were Daylilies blooming all over the area and I am assuming that they were reblooming at that point. The 24mm does do a fairly nice macro doesn’t it?

Bougainvillea ‘La Jolla’
This picture is from the same camera/lens combination. You can see the polarizer really kicked in although the sky was an amazing shade of blue. This particular Bougainvillea seemed to be the cultivar that was blooming the most at that time. There were a few other colors but this show stopping red was a standout. I just tried to rescue a Bougainvillea at work but think it was a little too late. We will try potting it up tomorrow and hope that just the foliage was damaged by frost. They don’t do great inside over the winter but do survive and sometimes put on a good show.
This final D70s picture is from the harbor at Avalon, California on Catalina Island. The boat was swinging in to pick up the massive exodus off the island on Sunday afternoon. The 22-mile trip out in the morning featured a smooth ride and at one point 100’s of Porpoises jumping and swimming alongside the boat. The building on the right is the Catalina Casino.