Jerusalem Sage
Phlomis fruticosa
(FLOW-miss) (froo-tih-KOH-suh)
Here is a flower that should be more widely grown. The semi furry flowers are unusual and the wholly aromatic foliage is nice too. It isn’t quite hardy here in Connecticut but it has successful overwintered here before. A native of Central Europe this plant is part of the mint family. It is considered a shrub and can get tall (4-6 feet) but if it gets too big it can be hard sheared in the spring. Jerusalem Sage is drought tolerant and prefers well drained soil.
I hope everyone is ready for Christmas. Things are getting to a bit of a fevered pitch now. Karen’s new lens arrived yesterday and I hope to go out and shoot a couple of pictures with it to test it since it was actually purchased used.
Great bloom, cool square stem. I don't have this one in my garden, but that could change.
Merry Christmas Chris
Gorgeous color. Thanks for you and your blog.
Merry Christmas. (I just took the whiskey cake out of the oven, so I'm about ready for the big day!)
Such great color, lovely photo! Merry Christmas to you! Greetings, Linda
Доброго дня. Прекрасный у вас блог.
С наилучшими пожеланиями в новом 2011 году.
С Рождеством Христовым и Новым годом вас.
Merry Christmas!
Wesołych Świąt!
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