The Farmer’s Market in Manhattan’s Union Square had literally hundreds of thousands of potted and cut flowers. There were Pansies, Ranunculus, Primrose, Daffodils, Roses, and these Tulips. The tulip selection of colors and types was truly amazing. Another item at the market were cut branches for forcing. Surprisingly there wasn’t a lot of Forsythia branches. There was a good selection of Fruit Tree branches (mostly Peach) and Pussy Willows. Business was very brisk for the flower vendors and the nice spring day brought people out in droves.

For more information on Tulips try this link:
Flower Expert/TulipsA few things that were interesting to me on that page:
“Tulips are one of the most popular spring flowers of all time, and the third most popular flowers world-wide next only to the Rose and Chrysanthemum."
“There are now over 3,000 different registered varieties of cultivated Tulips.”
“Tulips symbolize imagination, dreaminess, perfect lover, and a declaration of love.”
“Fresh out of onions? Use your Tulip bulbs instead! Tulip bulbs are a good replacement for onions in cooking.”
I was in Manhattan to pick up my D70 camera. It had been messing up for quite awhile. It needed a new shutter and some other things. Total price was $250, ouch. I do love this camera and it has taken some nice pictures over the several years that I have owned it. This is the place that repaired it:
PhototechThey have three locations in NYC to drop off cameras. In the past they have always delivered good repair work and the D70 repair seems to be good. I used the D70 and the 60mm lens on the Tulip and statue picture. It is nice the D70 weighs about half of the D700. Much easier to keep steady.

The statue of George Washington is impressive to me and according to Wikipedia it is:
“modeled by Henry Kirke Brown and unveiled in 1856, the first public sculpture erected in New York since the equestrian statue of George III in 1770 and the first American equestrian sculpture cast in bronze.”Wikipedia/Union SquareThere is a picture of the statue from around 1870 on that page. Nice to see a 139 year older view.
Since it is Today’s Flower Day here is an interesting vine that was growing in the Alpine House at Wave Hill. It is called Bolivian Nasturtium even though it is from Chile.
Tropaeolum tricolor(tro-PEE-oh-lum)
Synonym: Tropaeolum tricolorum, Three Colored Indian Cress

That color red gets me every time and the little yellow added a lot. It was growing in a pot and had a small trellis.
Rare Plants.co.uk / Tropaeolum 
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