Magic Bells Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe 'Magic Bells'
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Still working on the flower pictures I took in Hawaii here are a couple more. The Magic Bells Kalanchoe has been featured on his site before on Sunday, April 26, 2009, for Today’s Flowers ironically. It was a lot more fun trying to get the image when the Kalanchoe was growing outside in a rather large colony. The little bit of red on the buds really looks nice in a natural setting as opposed to the greenhouse where it was spotted before.

Strelitzia reginae
(stre-LITZ-ee-uh) (ree-JIN-ay-ee)
Synonym: Crane Flower
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This second flower is known by almost everyone. It appeared a little different to me with the way he two blue petals were extended. I am not sure if that is the way all BoP are or it was a little different. It is always exciting for me to see this flower and this one was beautiful with the morning sunshine on it. I am not sure what it is about he Hawaiian sun but it’s light seems to make everything look a little more flattering and easier to take a picture of.

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This final photo is of one of the more unusual Orchids we saw in our trip to the Islands. It was probably the most green colored one I have ever seen. Last week was the first Sunday I had missed posting to this meme in a long time. I truly missed everyone’s flowers but was a little incapacitated. I am continuing to make progress towards full health with a new regime of medications and a good set of doctors who seem genuinely concerned with getting me back to normal. Please excuse my typing as for some reason I am difficulty typing exactly what is on my mind. It isn’t that weird that my finer motor skills are not up to par. I have been assured that everything should be good to go when the gardening season starts. There hasn’t been a season that I have been more ready for in my 30-year career as a professional gardener. Each flower that I am going to grow this year is going to be special.
For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers .