Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Cattleya Orchids

Cattleya Orchids

A couple of flowers from my favorite group of Orchids. It is hard to match the brilliant colors, aroma and stateliness of the Cattleyas. They can be slightly tricky to grow but in general they are not as fussy as some Orchids. Both of these Orchids have kind of an unusual color. The light purple was delicately shaded and the other flower reveled in its tropical color.

Today is pretty much a wash out here with 1 to 2 inches of rain expected. At least it's not snow. It is a really big storm that is pelting the island today.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Dwarf Spike Speedwell

Dwarf Spike Speedwell
Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles'
(veh-RON-ih-ka) (spi-KAH-tuh)
Synonyms: ‘Glory’

One of the reasons I like this plant is it stays shorter and is less rampant then the other cultivars. It can really fill a bright, sunny, dry place very well. After blooming a light shearing will help clean up the look and give a nice uniform ground cover. This isn’t the best flower picture I have ever shot it does give that forest of blue look that this plant can give. It is really a lovely color.