African Tulip Tree
Spathodea campanulata
Synonyms: Fountain Tree, Firebell
Here is the first shot from the 80-200mm 2.8, used lens I got over the holidays. It was fun to be able to shoot this picture, as the flowers were many feet above the ground. The lens seems really sharp and auto-focuses well, which are two things I look at when evaluating a lens. It is not perfect but I am glad it is in my bag now.
This tree was blooming in the garden at the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West. It is a definite must see attraction while visiting the island. This is a beautiful tree that has a few problems with its cultivation like being weak wooded and invasive. Those are minor problems compared to the beauty it brings to the tropical landscape. The bright orange flowers and deep green foliage is a striking combination.
I have the 18-70mm Nikon lens that was repaired before we left home here also. The front element was replaced due to Karen putting a deep scratch in it. For $63 it was well worth it. This lens came with my D70s as the kit lens and it is one of the best that Nikon has offered as a kit lens. Here is a quick picture of a Tropical Hibiscus that was shot with it. It is a sharp lens that has even a bit of a macro effect to it. It was weird having both the 80-200 and 18-70 on the cameras at the same time. I hardly ever use zoom lenses and it was taking a bit of getting used to.

This is gorgeous. I think we have those on Maui....though I never knew the name...Spectacular. I would love to visit Earnest Hemmingways home. He was selected as one of my Friday's Finest Fellas... He rocks!
Greetings from Southern California, USA
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God Bless You, ~Ron
We have these here, I didn't know the name. Thanks!
If you can visit the Philippines you can see a lot of tropical flowers including that flower at the end of the article.The flower name is Gumamela and it is well known in the country.
African Tulip Tree is visited by Spiderhunter (bird) in Sarawak (Borneo) garden. I didn't know name of tree until I read your blog.
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