Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia reginae
(stre-LITZ-ee-uh) (ree-JIN-ay-ee)
I found this “bird’ blooming out on the streets of Avalon, California in November. It forms kind of a nice shrub and the foliage always looks good to me too. We have one in the glasshouse at work and after about three years it decided to bloom with a couple of weak flowers although I was grateful to have them. I never considered seeing this plant growing as a street planting but it seemed to like the conditions.
This picture was shot using the Nikon D70s and Sigma 24mm/1.8 lens.
Beautiful shot! This is grown in traffic circles here, and it flowers there happily.My plants flower for ten months in a year too.
You have me thinking I would actually like to meet this flower in person. Sure is somethin'.
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