Tropical Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
(hi-BIS-kus) (RO-sa-sy-NEN-sis)
This is kind of an abstract macro of a beautiful Hibiscus flower I saw while walking down Duval Street yesterday. There are thousands of these plants on the island and they are in various stages of blooming. My favorite are the coral/peach colored ones but some of the reds are growing on me too (especially the ones with a white center). This was taken with the Nikon D70s and 60mm Nikon lens.
Yesterday was the first day I had the Nikon 80-200mm/2.8 lens out and it is really sharp and the autofocus seems to do okay. It is however a great beast of a lens that is a bit heavy and tends to draw attention, which I would rather not have when I am shooting. I will be posting some shots from this lens soon.
Stunning! That's my kind of photo!!
I love the shadow, color tones, and softness...and of course, light ..This is an amazing shot and represents brilliant macro!!
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