Red Passion Flower
With a bit of a heavy heart I am posting this red Passion Flower to mark the passing of our friend, client, veterinarian and over all good person Dr. Brian. He had fought his brain cancer long enough and finally gave up Saturday. A true friend and advocate for the animal world he worked tirelessly to help them as they came across his doorstep in every condition imaginable. As a person he loved his garden more than most people I have met and it was lovely. We had just finished adding a large new area to the garden when he was diagnosed. He had been planning for his future at the farm.
A typical Brian story was when I would call him to check in on him he would inevitably turn the conversation to my health issues (since we both had brain ‘things’ last year) and he gave me a lot of good advice. His sense of humor about things would often put things in perspective for me. He touched the lives of many people like that and I think that is a wonderful legacy. I could go on and on about the different interactions I had with this man but I am just going to say goodbye, friend.
“All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity.”
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Very nice blog post- I'm sure he'd appreciate it!
I am sorry about the death of your friend. I also lost one of the good people this past January to pancreatic cancer.
Thanks for the comments. It is truly a sad day.
Sorry to hear this Chris, he surely touched your life. Nice quote to remember him by.
I sent you my condolences. The loss of a friend is never easy. I hope you can use the good memories to give him a nice place in your heart.
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