Friday, January 20, 2012

Black and White Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Gentle Shepherd'

These photos are from last summer. As usual when going through the garden with my DSLR my compact camera was tagging along set to monochrome. One of the reasons these came out well is ‘Gentle Shepherd’ is almost a pure white Daylily. That is a rare but not unheard of color for Hemerocallis. With just a hint of chartreuse in the throat and sometimes a tiny bit of pink shading it gives an all white appearance.

It is a relatively short cultivar (28 inches) that is very slow to fill in. I would have to call it slow growing compared to other varieties. It has skipped two dividing cycles already so in hindsight I would have planted more together at the time. It is a Diploid type that was considered a breeding breakthrough for whites in the early 1980’s.

The little P6000 camera does well with this type of shot. I love compact cameras and mine can be set to fully manual if needed. Normally these types of shots are really not “set up” properly and are generally lucky shots.

We got a dusting of snow again last night and I can’t help feeling there is a large dump coming soon. Tonight and tomorrow we are suppose to get 3 to 5 inches. We leave for Florida on Tuesday morning and I’m just ticking off the hours right now. Being inside this much isn’t good for me but over the years I have learned to manage it.

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