Shrubby Cinquefoil
Potentilla fruticosa 'Dakota Sunspot'
(poh-ten-TILL-uh) (froo-tih-KOH-suh)
Synonyms: ‘Fargo’, Shrubby Cinquefoil
This plant was living up to its ‘until frost’ blooming time last week. It really flowers best in early summer and then sporadically until the end of the season. This cultivar is far superior to the species. The flowers are a deeper yellow and its dwarf habit is nice. This plant came to the garden as a bonus mail order item when we ordered some rare rhododendrons from the west coast. It has been chugging along for the last 15 years and outlasted some of the Rhododendrons. I usually don’t recommend Potentilla for gardens since it is a leggy, somewhat ratty looking (at times) plant, however 'Dakota Sunspot' and ‘Primrose Beauty’ are two that are nice.
There is a lot of lore associated with this plant. The five leaflets per stem foliage is said to represent the senses of man. The foliage has also been used as heraldic device. It is also said if you sprinkle a few Cinquefoil leaves in your wallet or purse money will be drawn to you. Tea can be also be made from leaves (disclaimer: never tried it and wouldn’t without more research).
Here is a bonus flower since it is Sunday. See more flowers from all over the world at Today’s Flowers .

Japanese Clerodendrum
Clerodendrum trichotomum
(kler-oh-DEN-drum) (try-KOH-toh-mum)
Synonyms: Peanut Butter Shrub, Harlequin Glory Bower
This plant just sort of showed up one day and I have been enjoying ever since. It is a little bit of work keeping up the seedlings and suckers but worth it. It is a tall shrub that can be trained into a small tree. The flowers smell heavenly (bit like jasmine) and they are followed by a blue berries with a red calyx. The leaves have a tropical appearance and this plant attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Nice photos and appreciate your accompanying explanations.
i love the vivid yellow...very pretty. great info, too.
Beautiful brigh yellow, it is wonderful to have the long lasting blooms. Wonderful photos!
Lovely shots... L
Lovely post!
Maybe a few Cinquefoil leaves in my purse wouldn't hurt. :)
I have always love the name Cinquefoil though the meaning is so simple. The flower is so bright and perfect like the name.
Really, really beautiful.
Very nice DoF in the first shot.
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