Narrow-leaf Evening Primrose
Oenothera fruticosa subsp. glauca
We are back from Maine. It was a quite a ride with all the traffic but everything was all right and it only took 11 hours to get back home. It rained almost the entire time whole we were in Maine so I didn’t take many pictures. All that rain made the fields such a wonderful mosaic of greens. The flowers were blooming nicely but seemed a little stunted from the rain. It seemed a little weird to be away from the internet for a few days but that is probably healthy. :lol:
I did see quite a few patches of Sundrops, that is the common name for the Narrow-leaf Evening Primrose. It is quite a sunny flower and it really livens up the area that it is planted. One thing I would say about this plant is to be careful where you plant it as it spreads rapidly. It isn’t great for the border unless you plan on keeping it in check right from the get go. For naturalizing or tough areas it can be a good choice. It doesn’t seem to be too fussy but soil and water. Deadheading can sometimes encourage a second wave of flowering. It does have fabulous fall color, which adds another season of interest.
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