Summer Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Shortwood'
(floks) (pan-ick-yoo-LAY-tuh)
Synonym: Garden Phlox
There have been a lot of pictures of Garden Phlox on this site. It is a very photogenic flower. This was shot at the nursery while I was picking up some Sedum, Hibiscus and a few Cerastostigma. It was at Gilberties Herbs wholesale yard in Easton, Connecticut. It is a self service nursery, which I like, and while loading the truck this Phlox caught my eye. When I went to look at it I was impressed that it didn’t have any mildew. Gilberties is pesticide free so that was showing good resistance to Powdery Mildew.

Garden Phlox is truly a workhorse in the summer perennial border. There is nothing quite like it. The fragrant flowers are always a stately sight to me. There are many beautiful forms and colors available. I had to laugh when after a quick look I thought the sign said 'Sherwood Purple' because that is a cultivar of Creeping Phlox (Phlox stolonifera). I am glad that I took a closer look.
Talk about perfect.
I didn't know this flowers' name. The shots are too god.
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