Monday, December 21, 2009

Apricot Foxglove

Digitalis purpurea 'Sutton's Apricot'

This is the first year we tried ‘Sutton’s Apricot’ in the garden and it did well. The color was a nice addition to the regular Foxglove and the Strawberry ones that we planted. I treat all Foxglove as annuals although the Strawberry Foxglove (Digitalis x mertonensis) looks like it may have lasted as it was still alive when the snow came. The Apricot type is much taller and straighter than the Strawberry ones. I dutifully let them go to seed and even scraped the mulch up underneath so the seeds would hit soil and not the mulch. We will see what happens and if any come back.

The Apricot color does kind of liven up a shady area and if you like the pastel types colors this plant would be perfect for your garden.

We got the last big push here before Christmas. I still have some shopping to do but mainly I am waiting on the UPS guy as I ordered almost everything on the internet.


Judy said...

i hope they come back for you, whether from the root or the seeds!! i love the colour!!!

Anonymous said...

I very much like the colour of the apricot foxglove. I will have to look for some in the spring!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

They look great. Of course you know that if any do reseed, they probably won't bloom the first year, but some might. Will the color stay true?

Hope the UPS guy gets there tomorrow!