New Yellow Shasta Daisy
Leucanthemum ‘Banana Cream’
This is an exciting new plant. Without buying into all the hype about it being new I have to say that it is beautiful and it caught my eye from across the nursery. The yellow is quite subtle and it seemed to be staying even on the flowers that were full blooming although there were some differing hues on them. Now some of the publicity for this perennial is shouting up to 50 flowers per plant and great life as a cut flower (lasting up to 2 weeks). The flowers are considered semi-double and at 4 inches wide nicely sized.
These were growing in the holding area of the nursery so I wasn’t sure if they were for sale. They were priced and I was glad to see it was he regular wholesale price for a one-gallon perennial. Since I have to return tomorrow I am going to see if I can snag a couple for the perennial border. It should make a nice foil to the regular Shasta Daisies that are there now.
Beautiful picture. Also liked the commentary on the dogwood. Thanks for the ino!
I love the shadow over the lower right area... gives it interest!
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