Thursday, July 08, 2010

Filbert Scented Geranium

Scented Geranium
Pelargonium 'Concolor Lace'
Synonyms: Shottesham Pet, Filbert Scented Geranium

This flower was still going strong even in the heat wave. The cherry red flowers are small but nicely set against the curly light green foliage. I didn’t pinch it to see if it smelled like filbert and taking this picture yielded no apparent odor from a pretty close vantage point. Here is a link to the gardening guru’s Scented Geranium page . I never knew there were so many types.

This tender perennial seemed to be shrugging off the hot and dry conditions of our Connecticut gardens. Things are so dry it is entering a critical stage now. I saw some weeds that were wilting and even the irrigation systems can’t seem to keep up. No rain is expected until Saturday and even then it is just isolated showers.