Coral Sunset Geranium
Pelargonium x domesticum ‘Coral Sunset’
(pe-lar-GO-nee-um) (doh-MESS-tik-um)
Synonyms: Regal Pelargonium, Martha Washington Geranium
We went to Stonecrop Gardens yesterday and one of the highlights (for me) was the Geranium collection. It is an amazing garden and I would highly recommend it for touring. To me it wasn’t like a fancy botanical garden more like the sign says a “plant enthusiast garden”. The amount of different and strange plants they had was huge and they were for the most part set up informally.
While I am not trying to make excuses the light was really bad yesterday. It was pretty much dark out (like a murky twilight) and spitting rain on and off. Even with all that I did manage to get a few good flower pictures, which will be posted later in the week. This picture of the Sumac berries was taken with Ruby Tuesday in mind. I like certain types of Sumac in the garden. They aren’t all bad.

Here is a Zinnia I saw a few weeks ago and keep neglecting to post. It goes with Ruby Tuesday so here it is. The big patch of this Zinnia must have been grown from seed as there were some nice variations in the flowers.

Zinnia 'Swizzle Cherry and Ivory'
See more Ruby Tuesday at Work of the Poet.
Fantastic photos, each one is a work of art.
would love your words and pics there :) in a TRAVEL FORUM
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These are beautiful! No need to apologize about the light. They came out very lovely.
what a lovely flowers especially the geraniums..
Nice flowers u have here. :D
I am not a big fan of Geraniums but these are quite lovely and the Zinnia is off the charts!
beautiful zinnias, i like the flower and the colors of the blooms, nice shot!
Wow....just wow!! All so very stunning.
My R T is posted now, she's a "Lady in Red" today.....
Have a great Tuesday.
I really love all of those flowers! I wish I knew more about flowers :)
Beautiful flowers with a wonderfully colour co-ordinated presentation.
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