Hemerocallis cv.
There are still some Daylily pictures to sift through from this season and while going over a few I noticed a lot of petal pictures. One was posted last Sunday and here are three more. The first one is supposed to be ‘Christmas Star Bright’ but the color doesn’t match up with the hybridizer’s website:
Marietta Gardens/New Introductions
So I guess that this flower is still a bit of a mystery. If you click on the link you can see some of the beautiful cultivars they have introduced. This flower had the unusual shape of ‘Christmas Star Bright’ but it was a little more purple.
This next Daylily petal is from one of the deepest red Daylily I have seen. This cultivar is called ‘Study in Scarlet’, which is perfect for it. It is a 1985 introduction by David Kirchhoff of Daylily World .

This last Daylily is ‘Magic Minstrel’ although half the references I saw had it spelled ‘Magic Minstral’. The color was nice and deep and even though you can’t see it this flower had a green throat.

I am so glad the heat wave is over. To be official there has to be three days in a row of over 90 deg. F. There was 5 or 6 days all together over 90 but it wasn’t that bad.
The burgundy of that first petal is lovely. These lilies make me think of how autumn colors are so much a part of summer.
I really like the Scarlet one. Love the rich colors.
It is nice to see them from another angle then dead on, center of field.
I didn't realize daylilies were such late summer bloomers, haven't paid much attention in the past, but mine has just bloomed and those I see here in MN are blooming too. I love the purple one above, I see mostly yellows and oranges.
Stunning, I love these shots.
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