Friday, August 14, 2009

Striped Purple Petunias and Skywatch

Striped Purple Petunias
Petunia 'Ultra Blue Star'

These striped Petunias really stood out across the garden I visited yesterday. Purple has been a difficult color for me to capture with the camera lately. This shot is getting a little better and at least the purple didn’t turn into a mushy blue. My plan was to underexpose a little and bring up the levels in Photoshop. One thing here was I didn’t account for the whites being so bright. Hopefully some purple flowers will present themselves this weekend so I can further test my ‘purple’ system.

The ‘Ultra’ series of Petunias has been around awhile. I love the colors that they come in (18 different). They are graceful and perform well enough to survive the onslaught of new breeding and introductions. They belong to the Grandiflora group of Petunias, which is the group with the largest flowers. I am not sure why 'Ultra Blue Star’ is actually purple.

Since it is Friday here is a Skywatch picture. Like several of this week’s photos it was taken at the Huntington Library in California.

Mexican Blue Palm
Brahea armata
(BRAH-yuh) (arm-AH-tuh)
Synonyms: Blue Hesper Palm, Gray Goddess

This was one cool looking palm tree. The variations of silver and gray on the leaves were interesting. It is a native of Baja California.

Visit Sky Watch Friday for more skies around the world.
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Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Those petunias do stand out in the garden, just hard to choose one color to mass. ! Like the sky picture with the grass through

SandyCarlson said...

That's a wonderful palm tree. I am just sitting here like a dummy saying, "Wow...."

Jane Hards Photography said...

Those purple flowers are just stunning. Never seen anything like those before. Ingenious photography second one for a sky shot too.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Those purple flowers are just stunning. Never seen anything like those before. Ingenious photography second one for a sky shot too.

Rajesh said...

Those petunias flowers are exceptionally beautiful. Never seen them before.

Sujata said...

Wow! Very nice post.

magiceye said...

wow wow!!