Sunday, December 27, 2009

Daylily ‘Role Model’

Daylily ‘Role Model’

Since finding a couple of cards with Daylily photos from the summer with a lot of good pictures on them here, at the risk of being a little insipid, are a few more. The first two pictures are a nice kind of pinkish cultivar named ‘Role Model’. You can see from the group shot that it has large flowers and is a heavy bloomer.

The second flower is a macro of a cultivar that I didn’t get the name of. Since I have heard there are over 50,000 Daylily varieties forget trying to figure it out. If it is not a common one than you really have to try some research.

For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers . The links open at 1400 GMT.

This is the last Today’s Flowers of the decade. I would like to wish all the participants a Happy New Year and a great decade coming up. Your visits and comments here have always been appreciated and I am looking forward to seeing your flowers this week and in the future.

12 comments: said...


Iam here for to admirate your shots...but also for to say you


Anonymous said...

Lovely daylily flowers beautifully captured!!
Great shots.
Thank you for sharing,
Happy New Year!!

Quilt Works said...

Your lilies are splendid! I love the first and last photos best. They both have a fantastic composition. The last one has fantastic color! What camera do you use?

...Take a loot at Assymetrical flowers!

Nance said...

What an exotic daylilies! Love their curly petals.
Blessed New Year to you, Dit.

eileeninmd said...

Your daylilies are beautiful, a wonderful color. Happy New Years!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

I am very partial to Daylilies they belong to my favourite garden flowers. They are also great for table decorations as they keep all day like Hibiscus, without water.
These colours are strong and really light up the garden.
Happy New Year! xo T.

Chubskulit Rose said...

You have lovely daylilies!

Please come and see My flowers when you're free. Happy New Year!

DeniseinVA said...

Such beautiful Daylilies and very pretty colors. Thank you for sharing and have a Very Happy New Year.

Stephany said...

Your day lilies are beautiful! Have a happy New Year!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

BEautiful flowers, lilies are always so majestic looking.
Melbourne Daily Photo

eden said...

beautiful daylily. I have few daylily but i don't have this kind. love it.

My entry

Chie Wilks said...

beautiful lilies..i love lilies so much..awesome shots by the way

mine is here