Sunday, December 13, 2009

Japanese Camellia

Japanese Camellia
Camellia japonica 'Tama-no-ura'
(kuh-MEE-lee-a) (juh-PON-ih-kuh)
Synonyms: Common Camellia

This dainty little Camellia was blooming in the Conservatory at Wave Hill. The colors were striking and the very shiny green leaves were helping showcase the flowers. Someone burning charcoal in the woods discovered this wild hybrid, named after the historical fishing village in Japan. It is easy to root and also hybridizes easily.

We can’t grow Camellias outside in Connecticut. Even the so called ‘winter hardy’ ones don’t make it. They do well in pots and containers but are prone to insect infestations when grown inside. That doesn’t stop us from keeping a few around. It is always a welcome sign that spring is around the corner when they start to bloom.

Since it is Sunday and that means Today’s Flowers here is an Orchid that was blooming at work.

Taking pictures inside the greenhouse is always a challenge.

I have officially shut down the old Digital Flower and have opened the new one. It still at the same address:
The New Digital Flower

It still needs a lot of work and the captioning is taking a long time. There are a lot of flower pictures, foliage, insect and travel photos on the site. Just like a garden it is a work in progress.

For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers . The links open at 1400 GMT.


Al said...

I have heard of Camellias from my Mom, but haven't seen them, maybe we grown them here but just don't how it's called. And they look very lovely from your photo.


I always think of camelias as white, so this is new to me! Beautiful flower with a gorgeous color!

Chubskulit Rose said...

those are gorgeous, thanks for the information.

Mine is frozen flowers

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the Camelia with such a different colour.
Great pictures and great info too.

Carletta said...

Stunning macro of the Camelia and I love the light on the orchid!

Carolyn Ford said...

I haven't seen this one...I don't think. What a stunning image you captured! Lovely!

Nance said...

Impressive, DF! I like the way you captured its beauty...what a nice subject to paint!

Jacqui said...

What a beautiful shot - I loved the shiny dark leaf and the gorgeous colour of the flower.

eden said...

Camellias are beautiful flowers. I haven't seen that kind here yet.

Great shots.

My entry

Arija said...

Photographing in the shadehouse an be quite challenging. My entry last week was such a one too.
The camellia is vry pretty with its white markings.

Naturegirl said...

Camelia it's name as pretty as the flower!

SandyCarlson said...

You always capture my imagination and leave me in awe--of flowers and of photography.

Carver said...

That's a beautiful camellia. I've never seen one like that. Also lovely yellow orchid.

ellen said...

Nice catch! Mine is up. Hope to see you.

Chie Wilks said...

lovely shots of these lovely flowers...i haven't seen Japanese Camellia in my life yet...i have no idea if we grow that hre in the Philippines... the orchids though, i have something like that in my garden

mine is here

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I've never seen a camelia like that one. When I lived in Northern California, there were tons and tons of all kinds, but not like that. Really beautiful.

I tried the link for your new site and it goes to http://digitalflowerpictures. com/ but it's Server Not Found, unfortunately.

Unknown said...

we're still waiting for our camellias to flower.

Happy WW!