Omphalodes cappadocica 'Cherry Ingram'
(om-fal-LOW-deez) (kap-puh-do-SEE-ka)
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This is a great flower for the woodland garden or rock garden. It likes moisture retentive but well drained soil in partial shade. The true blue color is unusual and most welcome at this time of year. It should be more popular but is sometimes hard to obtain. Its common name refers to the navel shaped seeds, which often give new plants in the garden but not in an invasive way. 'Cherry Ingram' has larger and darker blue flowers than the species. This native to Turkey is related to the Forget-me-not and often the flowers fade to a light purple like its cousin.
Is anyone else ready for April?
It is such a great blue. Thanks for the info as I thought it looked like a Forget-me-Not -- good to know they are related.
So happy to discover this blog as I adore taking closeup pics of flowers! Isn't God's creation fantastic?!
Hi Janet,
That is a nice blue. I haven't grown this before but will be looking out for it this spring.
Hi Rena,
I marvel at the natural world almost every day. Thanks for stopping by.
Lovely shallow depth of field!
I love blue-ish flowers, this one's no exception. Great photo of the cute little bloom!
blue flowers are peculiar..i would really have stadium fence installed in my house if i have a nice garden full of wonderful plants
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