Porcelain Flower
Hoya incrassata
Synonyms: Wax Plant
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This is an unusual flower that I came across last year. All Hoyas are kind of weird looking and this one fit the genus well. It had a peculiar smell that was umm, less than fresh. The flower itself really didn’t have any color to speak of but was growing in a geometric umbrel. Umbels are a flat or rounded flower where the individual flower stalks arise from the same point. Examples of umbrel type flowers are geranium, milkweed and chives. Hoyas are sometimes classified by the amount of flowers per umbrel. You can see that H. incrassata is generous in the amount of small flowers (20-30) per umbrel.
There wasn’t much information to get on this species of Hoya other than it was discovered in the Philippines in 1904. It doesn’t seem to be overly popular.
Yesterday was a hot day around here with the mercury climbing to about 90 degrees F. A lot of the plants were wilting including the beautiful Lungwort (Pulmonaria saccharata) and even some of the Daffodils. It is expected to cool down over the weekend, which is okay with me.
I really like this one! I wish I had a macro lens to use so I could capture the most exciting parts of nature.
Very interesting!
This is a lovely flower, never seen it before. What a perfect geometry and tiny little flowers.
They are beautiful little stars!
Thanks for the comments. Rainforest I used my 60mm nikon macro for this. I highly recommend it.
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