Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus
(hi-BIS-kus) (seer-ee-AK-us)
The Rose of Sharon has bloomed their heads off again this year. It’s funny that when we installed the estate’s collection of Rose of Sharon this was my least favorite variety. Now 12 years later this one has really grown on me. The plant itself is not too attractive as it s growing tall and skinny. Several hard prunings have helped but out of flower it is not the greatest looking plant. I have begun to appreciate the amount of petals and the color of the flowers. Each one appears to be a little different and that adds to the overall beauty.
Is it too much to ask for a little rain to help the unirrigated areas look a little better? Even the gardens that have sprinklers are suffering a little bit now. It has to be the least lush looking summer I can remember. With plants and nature being what they are some of the plants seem to be enjoying the arid conditions.
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