Variegated Siberian Bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream'
(BROO-ner-uh) (mak-roh-FIL-uh)
Synonyms: False Forget-Me-Not
This is from the spring. 'Hadspen Cream' combines two things that I love, blue flowers and variegated leaves. It puts on quite a nice show in the early season. It can look a little ratty towards mid-summer but cutting it back usually rewards the gardener with a flush of nice new leaves. Since it likes shade it is a good candidate for a shady border or even the woodland garden. It does seem to want adequate moisture or the leaves can scorch. Since this plant is native to Siberia it is quite cold hardy (USDA Zone 3). It can be a little hard to get at the nursery and is even a little rare but the popularity is increasing, probably because of its uniqueness and beauty.
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