Synonyms: FRAntasia
This is one of the ‘new’ roses we got for the garden this year and it has been a steady and reliable performer. Despite the warnings that it is susceptible to black spot and doesn’t like blooming in the heat ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ was covered with flowers when we were tending to the big rose garden on Friday. I like how there are several different shades of purple on the plant at once (this was one of the darker flowers).
‘Rhapsody in Blue’ is the first rose featured on this site bred by British amateur rose breeder Frank R. Cowlishaw. It was introduced in the UK in 2000 but took seven years to make it to the United States when it was introduced by Weeks Roses. It has a nice scent and a petal count of 16, although some of our flowers seem to have less than that.
To see more flowers from all over the world at Today’s Flowers .
Bonus flower for today is:

Indian Pink
Spigelia marilandica
(spy-GEEL-ee-ah) (mar-i-LAND-ih-ka)
Synonyms: Woodland Pinkroot
It took me years to identify this plant. It had been growing in a semi-shady border that I have been taking care of. It is a true perennial in Connecticut’s climate and has always generated “what is that flower?” type of comments when in bloom. It usually blooms in early summer and sometimes gets a few flowers late in the season. It is a native wildflower in the Mid-Atlantic and southern regions of the US. It really has been a joy to have in the garden.
like a dream
great macro shot
what different colours for one rose, so pretty. Love the other shot also.
Gill in Canada
Great shots!!
Have a nice sunday.
Excellent macro! Love the light and subtle shadows on the rose.
The Indian Pink has a unique shape.
You always share such wonderful info with us in your posts.
How beautiful!
Love the vivid color.
Have a great week ahead.
I have a Rhapsody in Blue rose bush in my yard as well! I love the colour of its blooms and it does have a sweet scent. I bought it for its purple colour, it is my favorite colour.
These are beautiful flowers!!
Wow, I've never seen a rose with shoots like a Hibiscus! And the Indian Pink looks like a Lily. Yet both have something so extraordinary in them. And I'm learning!
Rhapsody in purple - LOL.
Love it
That's a very beautiful rose.
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