Three California Flowers
Nemesia Hybrid
Nemesia ‘
Juicy Fruits Papaya'
These pictures were taken last winter and all three flowers are from the
Carlsbad, California area. Nemesia is an annual that seems to be able to bloom all summer but really likes it when it is a little cooler. It was fun to see this flower in CA and then be able to buy it for the garden in Connecticut a couple of months later. I think our Nemesias need a little more sun they have been blooming well but seemed a little stretched. The different varieties of Nemesia really add a nice color range to containers and they are fragrant. Here is a link to Nemesia at the
Proven Winners site. There seems to be some new introductions coming. I hope they keep introducing more of them so that Nemesia gets more popular.
Nemesia is the
Scrophulariaceae family. It includes about 4,000 species of plants. Many are popular for garden use including
Digitalis, Snapdragons and Monkey Flowers. Two annuals that I really like in the family are
Bacopa and
Angelonia. There are several root parasitic species including one with out chlorophyll.
Since it is Today’s Flowers here are a couple of extra flower pics. The first is a Striped Rose. I couldn’t find the name of it. It had kind of an orange tint to it, which was a little different than the Striped Roses I have seen before.

Finally here is another annual.

Hybrid Flowering Tobacco
Nicotiana alata '
Hummingbird Appleblossom'
Synonyms: Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
This annual is slowly making a come back. It seemed to be a lot more popular several years ago. This variety is a lot better compared to the limited colors you could get before. ‘Hummingbird Appleblosssom’ has larger flowers on a dwarf plant both of which are pluses in my book.
For more flower pictures from around the world check out:
Today’s Flowers . The links open at 1400 GMT.