Friday, September 11, 2009

Scarlet Firethorn

Scarlet Firethorn
Pyracantha coccinea
(py-ra-KAN-tha) (kok-SIN-ee-uh)
Skywatch Friday

This shot is from the archives and was found while being copied onto a new hard drive. It was taken in the Somerset area of England in November of 2005. I was still a relatively new owner of a DSLR at the time. We had great fun on the trip and this photo brought back some memories. There is a little sky poking in and it provided a nice light. I am always amazed how low the sun angle seems in England in the autumn and winter.

Pyracantha is a nice plant as long as you can keep your distance. The berries look great and the foliage is often semi-evergreen here in Connecticut. It can grow in almost any soil and doesn’t need a lot of care. There are several types available for the garden including the dwarf ‘Gnome’. It seem people often plant this a little out of place. It needs room to grow and not interact with sidewalks, doors, parking areas, etc. I have read several references where they say Pyracantha gets to 10 feet tall. I have had it grow almost twice that size when it is happy. I would definitely consider it a large-scale shrub.

Today is a grim anniversary for the United States and the world. We are playing a gig tonight at the local coffee house. At first we almost refused the date but thought it was okay. I am sure everyone is remembering the day in his or her own way. We have decided to make some music. This blog has commemorated this anniversary before.

Since this is a flower picture blog here is a picture I took yesterday of an Ivy leaf Geranium. The flower color almost matches the berries.

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