White Geranium
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Survivor White 2011'
(pe-lar-GO-nee-um) (hor-TOR-um)
This Geranium had something I hadn’t seen before, a date in the name. The Survivor series is getting more and more popular and Geraniums in general have seem to have made a comeback. In my limited data sample white flowers are not as popular as they once were. They are sliding down the demand scale. It used to be that orange and yellow were the colors that people would say when it was a case of "bring any color but orange or yellow" but white is now appearing more and more in that sentence. I guess white can be a little boring and I always try and use it as a color to show off another color (like purple).
The survivor series has been bred for its long lasting flowers and compact habit. This one grows about 12 inches tall with an equal spread. They still haven’t came out with a self cleaning Geranium and these need to deadheaded and pinched to encourage blooming. Geraniums in general seem to be a little more heat tolerant but summer heat can produce a lull in blooming.
Wow. You made that pop.
Beautiful details. DF!
well realized!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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