Persian Buttercup
Ranunculus 'Bloomingdale Special Mix'
(ra-NUN-ku-lus) (a-see-AT-ee-kus)
Synonyms: Turban Buttercup, Persian Crowfoot
This flower has been featured on this blog before however not with this particular shading and colors. The ‘Special Mix’ was really special this year. It had several flowers like this one and a flower with purple edges. The standard mix of colors was also in the pots. They did well until we got a couple of days of heavy rain with no sun and then had to be replaced. This typically is an early spring flower for us but it didn’t last as long as it should have. There are Dragon Wing Begonias in its place now.
One thing I will say about Ranunculus is that it always appears to me to be a stately and elegant flower. From the colored ruffles to the finely cut foliage it radiates class. The Bloomingdale strain is dwarf only getting to 10 inches tall and that adds to its beauty.
so many layers of beauty
I am not really familiar with ranunculus, so I am learning more about them all the time. I love the name Persian buttercup, though! So evocative of mystery...
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