Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Franz Schubert'
(floks) (pan-ick-yoo-LAY-tuh)
“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
When I came across this quote it reminded me of this blog. Each morning I carefully select a flower from the digital garden for my “bowl” and arrange it for the people that visit. Even though it's a lot of work it does return a lot of satisfaction. Today’s flower is one that has delicate shadings of pink on a white background as if nature had dabbed each one with a brush to get it right. The shading doesn’t have to be perfect just good enough to present a semi-uniform appearance. The careful geometry and shading is a miracle in a lot of ways and a great way for me to start the day as I head out to help build and admire some of these beauties.

Garden Phlox as it has been said here before can be the backbone of any summer flower border. It’s tall and proud as it knits the garden together. Sure there are problems with the cultivation but they can be overcame for the beautiful final product.
Love your composition and dark back drop...wonderful texture in petals, greetings, Linda
Lovely pictures, great flower. Do they grow on the California coast?
Der phlox hat eine wunderschöne Farbe...super Bild....
LG: Karin
I have one Phlox paniculata in my garden this year, hoping to add more next year. I appreciate your carefully chosen photos, each one tempting me with another plant to add to my list!
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