Wax Begonia
Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum 'Bada Bing Pink'
(be-GON-yuh) (sem-per-FLOR-enz kul-TOR-um)
Synonyms: Fibrous Rooted Begonia
This little dwarf Begonia has been chugging along like Begonias do. There are a number of reasons that I like Begonias. They are pretty and colorful, insect and disease resistant and most of all they are not water hogs. The funny thing about Begonias if they don’t get watered after establishment they just stay small. That is way better then having a ragged plant that wilts everyday. Also the animals don’t seem to like them so they are a good choice for areas with deer and rabbits.
Bunnies and deer leave it?? Wonderful! I kept a couple pinched pieces when I was helping with the topiaries back in May. I rooted them and they are happy in my garden.
Love the name, Bada Bing Pink....fun!
i like red flowers
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