Saturday, January 12, 2013

Marguerite Daisy

Marguerite Daisy
Argyranthemum frutescens 'Molimba Mini Yellow'
(ar-ji-RAN-the-mum) (froo-TESS-enz)
Synonyms: Argyelsin, Summer Daisy

Here is a happy group of Daisies to celebrate the above average temperatures we have been enjoying in the Northeastern United States. There is still plenty of time for the pattern to change and for winter to settle in but so far December and January have been somewhat mild. One thing that I have noticed about the climate on Long Island is the fact that it is almost always windy and damp. It is just a couple of degrees warmer than Connecticut, which can be helpful during winter weather events. This Daisy is a nice soft yellow that tend to glow under the right lighting conditions.

Here is a bonus snapshot since I have been so lackadaisical in updating this blog. I have really been concentrating on doing a good job at my new job and that has been taking up a lot of my time. Once springtime comes I hope to be back on a regular schedule.

Garden Cosmos
Cosmos bipinnatus
(KOS-mus) (by-pin-NAY-tus)

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