Please humor me as I sort through my archives. I have so much disk space on my main computer that having extra files doesn’t matter. However, on my Laptop I have an 80 gig Hard Drive and that is getting kind of full so I have to get rid of some photos. These Foxgloves were growing at the end of a long gravel road we decided to drive out on. There were sheep there and up on the hills a man was training a couple of Border Collies. You could hear the barking and whistling even though they were quite far away.
Foxglove is one of our most requested plants for perennial gardens. I have found that it is not quite perennial. It has been a bit frustrating in some aspects to get and keep them going. It is okay if they are growing in kind of a woodland setting as they renew themselves by seeding. This can be a little tricky in a highly maintained and mulched border though (at least to me). I will, of course, keep trying since if you don’t have optimism as a gardener you might as well hang it up.
This is a picture of some horse riders in Ireland. It is a snapshot but I liked the way it came out. It was surprising to see them on the beach and I just raised the camera and fired.

I am looking forward to finishing up a couple of nagging little issues on two different jobs today. That will make me feel better. I am also meeting with a potential new client. That is always interesting as you never know what kind of garden you will be looking at.
Beautiful photos !
Have a nice weekend :)
First of all, I have been reading your blog for some time now, and would just like to say that you have some amazing photos!
Secondly, the foxglove isn’t a perennial, it’s a biannual. Which means that it lives for to years, the first just green the second in flower. Sometimes they will live for tree, but that is not common. They selfsead easily, and can also be transplanted easily
marie, thanks I hope you have a nice weekend too.
moseplassen, thanks for speaking up and the info. I guess I haven't been timing them right because I don't get the flowers the second year. Also thank you for been a regular visitor.
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