Yellow Bush Daisy
I have a confession to make. I sometimes grow plants that I not sure of the name or cultural requirements for. This is one of them. It is a tender perennial that a local nursery grows and we often use them in containers. I am not sure of the species or cultivar name but have a feeling that it maybe E. pectinatus 'Sonnenschoens'. A constant season long bloomer this flower actually over wintered in the greenhouse and since I have looked it up I now have a little more information.
I grow this plant in full sun and give it regular watering. Dead heading the spent flowers seems to help with keeping the flowers coming. It never gets too big but can turn into a 4 to 6 foot shrub when grown in the ground. Despite not knowing exactly what it was this plant has been a trouble free good performer. We could all use more plants like that.

This is a primrose colored Clivia plant that finally decided to bloom. It has been around several years and just started flowering this year. I must say that I love the color. It came without a tag but probably is a form of Clivia miniata, since that is the most popular type in cultivation. Clivias are easy to grow but are frost tender. I keep them outside during the garden season. It is nice that they give a blast of color in the late winter and early spring season.
I haven't seen that color Clivia before only the orange red ones. That looks like a gorgeous one. We had problems with the flower stem not extending much so the flowers would be bunched very low in the plant amongst the strap leaves.
Such pretty pictures again .. do you ever take bad pictures ? LOL
Love the cheery yellow .. but yes .. that Clivia is a stunner .. one of my favorite colours .. so delicate looking !
I grow plants without knowing a thing about them also. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. I play it safe throughout most of my life and I feel the garden is one place where I can be free. It's fun to throw caution to the wind and just plant.
Daisies are so happy.
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